14 résultats : History

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14 résultats
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résultats 1 à 10
Description : Jérôme Ballet discusses the origins of CSR, from the end of the 19th century to these days. He shows that in accordance with periods, the CSR took different forms, and he tries to explain and to illustrate that.
Mots clés : History, CSR, origins, paternalism
Date : 06-05-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Jérôme Blanc explains what are the local currencies. He presents their history, insists on their "transformative" vocation and discusses the legal framework where they can be developed.
Mots clés : History, principle, local currencies
Date : 23-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Valéry Bordois discusses the rallying of history in education for sustainable development. He presents the potential obstacles, the historical materials, and the uses of such a rallying.
Mots clés : Education, History, sustainable development
Date : 24-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Valéry Bordois is interested in the spacial and temporal scales connected to the sustainable development, with two examples: the Loire and the salmon. He evidences the need to consider the territories history to sustainably contemplate their future, but also the need to give a more global perspective ...
Mots clés : History, sustainable development, territories, spacial scale, temporal scale
Date : 24-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Dominique Bourg presents the emergence of the environmental issues awareness, from the 19th century to the seventies. He shows that this realisation progressively happened, and for diverse reasons.
Mots clés : History, representations, environment
Date : 07-05-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Pillar of growth in contemporary economies, the consumer credit in its modern form, banking, develops from the 1950s. This video will revert to the construction of this market at the origin of the emergence of French and European leaders that are Sofinco and Cetelem. What was the role of demand, ...
Mots clés : History, consumption, credit, women, regulation
Date : 13-11-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Creative Commons (BY NC)
Description : Jean-Charles Hourcade recounts the history of the climate negotiation, from the first simulations related to the climate change up to now. He shows the role played by the different countries or groups of countries, and explains the change of approach that took place in 2010 in Cancun.
Mots clés : History, COP, climate, negotiation, politics
Date : 02-06-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Description : François Léger talks about agroecology, its origin and its current importance. He explains its principles in a pluridisciplinary perspective and on this basis, he distinguishes between a strong agroecology and a weak agroecology.
Mots clés : History, agroecology, weak sustainability, strong sustainability, principles
Date : 21-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Anne Orford - Histories of international law and Empire, ESIL Lecture Series & Cycles de conférences SORBONNE-DROIT
Mots clés : History, International Law, Anne, Orford
Date : 23-01-2013
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.
Description : Ranabir SAMADDAR is a founder of the MCRG - Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, India- and its journal, Refugee Watch. He was earlier a professor of South Asia Studies, and subsequently the founder-Director of the Peace Studies Programme at the South Asia Forum for Human Rights, Kathmandu. Known ...
Mots clés : Sociologie du conflit, The Partition of India, Nationalism in India, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Nationalism, Indian Political Parties History, The notion of Pessoptimist by Edward Saids, Karl Marx's Capital, Marxism, Bengali School Education, Sociologie du développement, Sociologie des ...
Date : 25-02-2005
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Tous droits réservés.