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3 résultats
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résultats 1 à 3
Description : Mirror symmetry is a phenomenon which inspired fundamental progress in a wide range of disciplines in mathe- matics and physics in the last twenty years; we will review here a number of results going from the enumerative geometry of curves to homological algebra. These advances justify the int ...
Mots clés : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, courbes, institut fourier, summer school, Gromov-Witten
Date : 28-06-2011
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Description : Mirror symmetry is a phenomenon which inspired fundamental progress in a wide range of disciplines in mathematics and physics in the last twenty years; we will review here a number of results going from the enumerative geometry of curves to homological algebra. These advances justify the introduction ...
Mots clés : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, courbes, institut fourier, summer school, Gromov-Witten
Date : 27-06-2011
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Description : Mirror symmetry is a phenomenon which inspired fundamental progress in a wide range of disciplines in mathe- matics and physics in the last twenty years; we will review here a number of results going from the enumerative geometry of curves to homological algebra. These advances justify the int ...
Mots clés : mathématiques, Grenoble, école d'été, courbes, institut fourier, summer school, Gromov-Witten
Date : 29-06-2011
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0