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Joint Improvisation in Music and Dance: Some Preliminary Phenomenological Considerations on Improvisation as an Enactive Process
Description : "I have been a practitioner of soloandjointimprovisationin music and dance for a while. And I have alwayswondered what the main differences were between the two. What I am particularly interested in are the typeof experiences that allow me to cognitively function in a different way, that is, that ...
Mots clés : interaction linguistique, improvisation
Date : 04-11-2015
Format : video/mp4
Thème : Généralités - Sciences sociales, Sociologie, Loisirs et arts du spectacle
Type de la ressource pédagogique : cours / présentation
Niveau : enseignement supérieur
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. BY NC SA