Ressource pédagogique : Jayne Anne Phillip’s Poetic Reinvention of Appalachia in MotherKind / Sarah Dufaure

cours / présentation - Date de création : 08-04-2016
Auteur(s) : Sarah DUFAURE
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Présentation de: Jayne Anne Phillip’s Poetic Reinvention of Appalachia in MotherKind / Sarah Dufaure

Informations pratiques sur cette ressource

Langue du document : Anglais
Type pédagogique : cours / présentation
Niveau : master, doctorat
Durée d'exécution : 21 minutes 13 secondes
Contenu : image en mouvement
Document : video/mp4
Taille : 199.88 Mo
Droits d'auteur : libre de droits, gratuit
Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Tous droits réservés aux auteurs et à l'Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.

Description de la ressource pédagogique

Description (résumé)

Jayne Anne Phillip’s Poetic Reinvention of Appalachia in MotherKind / Sarah Dufaure, in symposium international "Regional Becomings in North America" organisé sous la responsabilité scientifique de Wendy Harding (Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes (CAS), Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France) et Nancy Cook (University of Montana, USA), Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, 7-8 avril 2016. Session 4: Region, Gender, Race. In this era of transnational consciousness and global connectedness, some have asked whether it is still legitimate to consider cultural practices in regional terms. Is regionalism a futile effort to close borders and exclude the alien and the new ? Is it imbued with nostalgia and oriented toward an imaginary past, projecting “setting[s] outside the world of modern development, … zone[s] of backwardness where locally variant folkways still prevail” (Brodhead 115) ? This symposium will consider the extent to which different constructions of region in North American literature, art, music, and other cultural practices could, on the contrary, be viewed in Deleuzian terms as “becoming” regional. Regionalism has often been coupled with realism, so we can inquire how its cultural formations go beyond imitation. Do regionalist cultural productions record or create their communities ? Do they tend toward idealization —returning to a mythical time and place of innocence— or can they be critical or confrontational ? Does regionalism, as Fetterley and Pryse have argued, make a place for counter-hegemonic discourses ? How do trajectories of deterritorialization and reterritorialization remodel regional identity ? How do expressions of place make room for transformative incursions of difference ? What associations or assemblages come together to produce or promote regional forms ? Finally, to what extent do diverse forms of regionalism, including bioregionalism, undo conceptual divisions between the local and the global ?

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Critique et histoire de la littérature américaine de langue anglaise (810.9)
  • Thème des lieux dans la littérature de langue anglaise (civilisation, paysages d'un lieu) (820.932)


Intervenants, édition et diffusion


Fournisseur(s) de contenus : SCPAM / Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail, Claire SARAZIN



Document(s) annexe(s) - Jayne Anne Phillip’s Poetic Reinvention of Appalachia in MotherKind / Sarah Dufaure

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  • Sarah DUFAURE


Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès-campus Mirail


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