2 résultats : Brazil

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2 résultats
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résultats -9 à -9
Description : In Recife (Brazil), the non-existence of sanitation and the lack of tap water make it easy for rats, scorpions and tiger mosquitos to spread, and they run rampant throughout the whole city. With his colleagues of the Sanitary District VI, Rivanildo is doing his utmost to curb their proliferation. Armed ...
Mots clés : public health, town, environmental health workers, environmental health, vermin, scorpio, biocides, chemical risks, , work,, access to water, Sanitation, Brazil, environment, pests and diseases, Urban, termites, cafards, rats, Recife, mosquitos
Date : 31-07-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. © Armelle Jacquemot