10 résultats : online course

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10 résultats
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résultats -19 à -11
Description : The course explains how to accompany students during their learning path with assessment activities. The aim of these activities is to give frequent feedback, so that it can be easier for students to keep on track and arrive at the final assessment properly prepared. This MOOC is part of the MOOCs ...
Mots clés : assessment strategies, feedback, pedagogical innovation, classroom methodology, online course, MOOC, teaching, classroom experiences
Date : 16-03-2017
Droits : This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Description : In this MOOC you will find: - the basics about Open Educational Resources; - different perspectives about key issues; - some tips to try OERs in your course, a set of tools we will provide you, some useful resources shared by other institutions and OERs workforce. This MOOC is part of the MOOCs ...
Mots clés : Open Educational Resources, OER, pedagogical innovation, classroom methodology, online course, MOOC, teaching
Date : 16-03-2017
Droits : This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Description : In this MOOC you will have the chance to: - learn the basics about flipped classroom; - explore some shared experiences and identify key issues; - start thinking about how to try it out in your course, using also the set of tools we will provide you with, and - why not – any useful open resource ...
Mots clés : flipped classroom, teaching, pedagogical innovation, classroom methodology, online course, MOOC
Date : 16-03-2017
Droits : This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Description : Teaser SPOC MATH ESPE
Mots clés : Small Private Online Course - SPOC, mathématiques
Date : 2018
Droits : CC BY-NC-SA