86 résultats : measurements

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86 résultats
page 4 sur 9
résultats 31 à 40
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5. Traffic Measurements 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Packet Capture A. End systems B. Network 5.3 Interface counts 5.4 Flow capture 5.5 Traffic matrix 5.6 Anonymization of packet traces 5.7 Conclusion Overall course conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1: Introduction 1. MOOC Presentation 2. Background on Internet infrastructure and traffic 3. Type of measurements 4A. Measurement platforms - Overview 4B. Measurement platforms - PlanetLab 5. Sound measurement practices 6. Ethical issues 7. Conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1: Introduction 1. MOOC Presentation 2. Background on Internet infrastructure and traffic 3. Type of measurements 4A. Measurement platforms - Overview 4B. Measurement platforms - PlanetLab 5. Sound measurement practices 6. Ethical issues 7. Conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1: Introduction 1. MOOC Presentation 2. Background on Internet infrastructure and traffic 3. Type of measurements 4A. Measurement platforms - Overview 4B. Measurement platforms - PlanetLab 5. Sound measurement practices 6. Ethical issues 7. Conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1: Introduction 1. MOOC Presentation 2. Background on Internet infrastructure and traffic 3. Type of measurements 4A. Measurement platforms - Overview 4B. Measurement platforms - PlanetLab 5. Sound measurement practices 6. Ethical issues 7. Conclusion
Mots clés : métrologie, Internet, traffic, measurements, traceroute, bandwidth, latency, ping, iperf
Date : 23-05-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...