43 résultats : ENERGY

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43 résultats
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résultats 41 à 43
Description : Solar energy is well-recognized as a sustainable and clean energy source. Among the various approaches to solar energy conversion, solar-driven hydrogen production is one of the most promising ways to convert solar energy into hydrogen, a storable fuel. Hydrogen is undoubtedly one of the most attractive ...
Mots clés : Solar driven energy conversion, Photoelectrochemical water splitting, Green processes for H2 production
Date : 17-06-2021
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.
Description : The synthesis of carbon-neutral/zero-carbon footprint fuels via solar thermochemical processes (“Solar Fuels”) represents a promising approach for the realization of a sustainable energy future. These high temperature processes (effected by concentrated solar technology) “regenerate” streams of “dead ...
Mots clés : Solar driven energy conversion, Photoelectrochemical water splitting, Green processes for H2 production
Date : 17-06-2021
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.
Description : C-containing Fe-, Co-, and Ni-based catalysts have been synthesized from the controlled pyrolysis of saccharose. The topological properties of the 2D materials were significantly different from other 2D carbon-based cell structures. TEM and STEM showed that catalysts are composed by 1D and 2D mor ...
Mots clés : Solar driven energy conversion, Photoelectrochemical water splitting, Green processes for H2 production
Date : 17-06-2021
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.