218 résultats : interactif

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218 résultats
page 9 sur 22
résultats 81 à 90
Description : Even the most tightly scripted solo performances involve improvisation? the detailed execution of each note or word cannot be completely determined in advance. In joint performances the challenge of co­ordinating the actions of multiple people in real­time becomes even more complex. One response ...
Mots clés : interaction linguistique, improvisation
Date : 04-11-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. BY NC SA
Description : En savoir plus
Mots clés : Interaction Homme-Machine, langue des signes française, capture de mouvement
Date : 23-09-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. CC BY NC SA
Description : We studied coordination and movement kinematics in a mirror game. 32 participants (18 f, 14 m? mean age 25.2 years, range 19–37) performed circle­drawing and freely improvised hand movement mirroring tasks in dyads. The participants were standing face­to­face, right index fingers pointed at each ...
Mots clés : interaction linguistique, improvisation
Date : 04-11-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. BY NC SA
Description : (Exposé en langue Anglaise.) Dans cet exposé, je vais expliquer que l'univers gigantesque dans lequel nous vivons abrite un nombre incroyable de minuscules univers : les atomes. Ils présentent une structure extrêmement riche qui a permis aux physiciens d'exercer leur sagacité durant tout le siècle ...
Mots clés : physique des particules, interaction fondamentale, accélérateur de particule, structure atomique, boson de Higgs, quark, modèle standard, lepton, particule élémentaire, cosmologie, hadron, neutrino, atome, univers, théorie de Yang-Mills
Date : 14-06-2004
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.
Description : Part 5 : Fusion of Audio and Vision 5.1. Audio-visual processing challenges? 5.2. Representation of visual information ?5.3. The geometry of vision? 5.4. Audio-visual feature association? 5.5. Audio-visual alignment? 5.6. Visually-guided audio localization ?5.7. Audio-visual event localization? 5.8. ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5 : Fusion of Audio and Vision 5.1. Audio-visual processing challenges? 5.2. Representation of visual information ?5.3. The geometry of vision? 5.4. Audio-visual feature association? 5.5. Audio-visual alignment? 5.6. Visually-guided audio localization ?5.7. Audio-visual event localization? 5.8. ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5 : Fusion of Audio and Vision 5.1. Audio-visual processing challenges? 5.2. Representation of visual information ?5.3. The geometry of vision? 5.4. Audio-visual feature association? 5.5. Audio-visual alignment? 5.6. Visually-guided audio localization ?5.7. Audio-visual event localization? 5.8. ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 5 : Fusion of Audio and Vision 5.1. Audio-visual processing challenges? 5.2. Representation of visual information ?5.3. The geometry of vision? 5.4. Audio-visual feature association? 5.5. Audio-visual alignment? 5.6. Visually-guided audio localization ?5.7. Audio-visual event localization? 5.8. ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1 : Introduction to Robot Hearing 1.1. Why do robots need to hear? 1.2. Human-robot interaction 1.3. Auditory scene analysis 1.4. Audio signal processing in brief 1.5. Audio processing in the ear 1.6. Audio processing in the midbrain 1.7. Audio processing ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...
Description : Part 1 : Introduction to Robot Hearing 1.1. Why do robots need to hear? 1.2. Human-robot interaction 1.3. Auditory scene analysis 1.4. Audio signal processing in brief 1.5. Audio processing in the ear 1.6. Audio processing in the midbrain 1.7. Audio processing ...
Mots clés : machine learning, robotics, robot hearing, human-robot interaction, binaural hearing
Date : 16-03-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons BY-NC-ND : the name of the author should always be mentionned. The user may not use the material for commercial purposes. The user can exploit the work except in a commercial context and he cannot make changes in the original ...