2 résultats : animal biology

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2 résultats
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Description : How does a locust eat? How does it fly? « Migratory locusta dissection » is a scientific movie and a pedagogic document for Biology students. The HD images, macrophotographies, 3D animations and schemes of this movie show the amazing morphology and the fascinating anatomy of insects.
Mots clés : dissection, locust, anatomy, animal biology
Date : 31-12-2012
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.
Description : How does a mammal breath? How its reproductive system is done? «Mouse dissection» is a scientific movie and a pedagogic document for Biology students. The HD images, macrophotographies, 3D animations and schemes of this movie show the fascinating anatomy of mammals.
Mots clés : dissection, animal biology, mouse, mammals anatomy, zoology
Date : 16-06-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.