1 ressource : feeding

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Description : Swedish version with english subtitles : In Sápmi, a vast region of northern Europe also referred to as Lapland, Sami reindeer herders are experts about snow. To reach the ground lichen on which they feed in winter, reindeer need to dig through a snowpack whose properties constantly change thr ...
Mots clés : animal, Lapland, ethnographic film, Europe, Sami, breeding, ice, feeding, reindeer, pasture, indigenous and local knowledge, lichen, snow, ecology, climate change, video, film ethnographique, vidéo, Sweden
Date : 12-11-2010
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. © 2015 Samuel Roturier, AgroParisTech-ESE;, Marie Roué, CNRS-MNHN & Sirges Sameby