1 ressource : Indian Political Parties History

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Description : Ranabir SAMADDAR is a founder of the MCRG - Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, India- and its journal, Refugee Watch. He was earlier a professor of South Asia Studies, and subsequently the founder-Director of the Peace Studies Programme at the South Asia Forum for Human Rights, Kathmandu. Known ...
Mots clés : Sociologie du conflit, The Partition of India, Nationalism in India, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Nationalism, Indian Political Parties History, The notion of Pessoptimist by Edward Saids, Karl Marx's Capital, Marxism, Bengali School Education, Sociologie du développement, Sociologie des ...
Date : 25-02-2005
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Tous droits réservés.