1 ressource : Matrifocality and the House in Drapa (Zhaba)

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Description : The practice of a non-contractual, nonobligatory, and nonexclusive visiting sexual system among a matrilineal group in Southwest China has generated as much interest in anthropology as in the mass media. The Na (or Moso) who live on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan (near Lake Lugu) have come ...
Mots clés : UPS2259, CEH, Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes, Communities, Stéphane Gros, Matrifocality and the House in Drapa (Zhaba), Territories, Communities, and Exchanges in the Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands, ERC (European Research Council)
Date : 20-02-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.