1 ressource : Power spectral density

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Description : We introduce in this lecture the spectral analysis which is based on the Fourier transform. The main objective of using this can of analysis in our studies is to check the scale invariance propriety of the studied field and also to identify the involved processes. The spectral analysis is widely ...
Mots clés : complex systems in environment, environmental engineering, spectral analysis, Fast Fourier transform FFT, Discrete Fourier transform DFT, Power spectral density, scaling analysis, système complexe, generalized scale invariance (GSI)
Date : 14-04-2017
Droits : Cet ensemble de supports pédagogiques est la propriété, à parts égales, d’UNIT et de l'École des Ponts ParisTech. Il est régi par la licence logicielle GPL, dans sa version française CeCILL (http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-V1_VF.pdf).