1 ressource : Scott Relyea

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Description : From 1907 to 1911, some 4,000 commoners from the Sichuan Basin ventured west. Enticed by promises of large tracts of uncultivated land and three years of free rent, seeds, animals, and farm implements, they ascended the Tibetan Plateau seeking new lives for their families – and new benefits for ...
Mots clés : UPS2259, CEH, Centre d'Etudes Himalayennes, Settling Authority: Sichuanese Farmers in Early Twentieth Century Eastern Tibet, Scott Relyea, Territories, Communities, and Exchanges in the Kham Sino-Tibetan Borderlands, ERC (European Research Council), Hamline University
Date : 20-02-2016
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs.