11 résultats : ecology

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11 résultats
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Description : Rémi Beulque, a research engineer in circular economics at Renault, discusses several problems that have arisen during the implementation of industrial symbiosis: qualitative adaptation of flows, quantity of flow, routing, regulation.
Mots clés : ecology, industrial ecology, flow management
Date : 01-06-2017
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Creative Commons : Attribution
Description : Denis Chartier presents the scientific political ecology. After a reminder of the international context, he proposes a definition of this. In order to understand the contributions of this discipline, he uses it as part of two situations: the bees disappearance and the reserve of ecosystems.
Mots clés : pollination, political ecology, nature reserve
Date : 28-11-2014
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Denis Couvet presents the reasons that the biodiversity preservation makes sense: its inherent value, the functionality of ecosystems, and its progressive potential. In a second phase, he proposes a compartmentalisation of those preservation objectives: threatened species, ordinary biodiversity, ...
Mots clés : biodiversity, preservation, functional ecology, threatened species, ordinary biodiversity, inherent value
Date : 09-10-2014
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification.
Description : Catherine Figuière presents the basis of industrial ecology. She especially illustrates it through the example of the Kalundborg industrial symbiosis (Danemark).
Mots clés : Kalundborg, principles, industrial ecology
Date : 28-05-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : In this video, Sandrine Gombert-Courvoisier, lecturer in ecology and human ecology at ENSEGID (Institut National Polytechnique de Bordeaux), proposes a definition of responsible household consumption and shows how such practices are compatible with deployment of a more circular economy.
Mots clés : responsible consumption, human ecology
Date : 01-06-2017
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Creative Commons : Attribution
Description : Nathalie Machon brings data about the functioning of urban animal and plant populations. The cities are environments marked by an important fragmentation of habitats and by constraining physicochemical conditions. She illustrates her presentation with a study made on the tree roots aroud Bercy s ...
Mots clés : biodiversity, city, functional ecology
Date : 08-10-2014
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : The environment is a social issue that continues to grow in importance. Its complexity, both cross-disciplinary and multi-scale, has given rise to a large number of scientific and technological locks, that complex systems approaches can solve. Through this module we will give some examples of complex ...
Mots clés : complex systems in environment, environmental engineering, complex systems, water cycle, atmospheric motion, hydrodynamic, ecology, karst, ingénierie de l’environnement, système complexe
Date : 14-04-2017
Droits : Cet ensemble de supports pédagogiques est la propriété, à parts égales, d’UNIT et de l'École des Ponts ParisTech. Il est régi par la licence logicielle GPL, dans sa version française CeCILL (http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-V1_VF.pdf).
Description : Swedish version with english subtitles : In Sápmi, a vast region of northern Europe also referred to as Lapland, Sami reindeer herders are experts about snow. To reach the ground lichen on which they feed in winter, reindeer need to dig through a snowpack whose properties constantly change thr ...
Mots clés : animal, Lapland, ethnographic film, Europe, Sami, breeding, ice, feeding, reindeer, pasture, indigenous and local knowledge, lichen, snow, ecology, climate change, video, film ethnographique, vidéo, Sweden
Date : 12-11-2010
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. © 2015 Samuel Roturier, AgroParisTech-ESE;, Marie Roué, CNRS-MNHN & Sirges Sameby
Description : Bernard Swynghedauw speaks in favour of a truly comprehensive ecology of health. He especially wants to better take into account the microbiota in the public health issues. He also raises the question of the capacity of humans to get used to themselves.
Mots clés : adaptation, health, microbiota, ecology
Date : 15-10-2014
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Sabine Barles, Professor of Urban Planning and Development at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and researcher at the UMR Géographie-Cités, discusses the origin and extent of anthropogenic perturbations in the nitrogen cycle. She explains the consequences of this opening of the biogeochemical ...
Mots clés : ecology, nitrogen, circular economy, sanitary
Date : 01-06-2017
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Creative Commons : Attribution