Ressource pédagogique : R. Bamler - Compactness and partial regularity theory of Ricci flows in higher dimensions

cours / présentation - Date de création : 29-06-2021
Auteur(s) : Richard H. BAMLER
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Présentation de: R. Bamler - Compactness and partial regularity theory of Ricci flows in higher dimensions

Informations pratiques sur cette ressource

Langue du document : Anglais
Type pédagogique : cours / présentation
Niveau : doctorat
Durée d'exécution : 1 heure 13 minutes 19 secondes
Contenu : image en mouvement
Document : video/mp4
Taille : 1.14 Go
Droits d'auteur : libre de droits, gratuit
Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Description de la ressource pédagogique

Description (résumé)

We present a new compactness theory of Ricci flows. This theory states that any sequence of Ricci flows that is pointed in an appropriate sense, subsequentially converges to a synthetic flow. Under a natural non-collapsing condition, this limiting flow is smooth on the complement of a singular set of parabolic codimension at least 4. We furthermore obtain a stratification of the singular set with optimal dimensional bounds depending on the symmetries of the tangent flows. Our methods also imply the corresponding quantitative stratification result and the expected $L^p$-curvature bounds.       As an application we obtain a description of the singularity formation at the first singular time and a long-time characterization of immortal flows, which generalizes the thick-thin decomposition in dimension 3. We also obtain a backwards pseudolocality theorem and discuss several other applications.

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Mathématiques (510)


Intervenants, édition et diffusion


Fournisseur(s) de contenus : Fanny Bastien, Hugo BÉCHET


Document(s) annexe(s) - R. Bamler - Compactness and partial regularity theory of Ricci flows in higher dimensions

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  • Richard H. BAMLER


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