Ressource pédagogique : Jan Nuyts (University of Antwerp), On the relations between evidentiality and modality

cours / présentation - Date de création : 11-06-2021
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Présentation de: Jan Nuyts (University of Antwerp), On the relations between evidentiality and modality

Informations pratiques sur cette ressource

Langue du document : Anglais
Type pédagogique : cours / présentation
Niveau : enseignement supérieur, licence, master, licence, master, master
Durée d'exécution : 59 minutes 40 secondes
Contenu : image en mouvement
Document : video/mp4
Taille : 339.79 Mo
Droits d'auteur : libre de droits, gratuit
Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Tous droits réservés.

Description de la ressource pédagogique

Description (résumé)

This talk focuses on whether or not the domains of evidentiality and modality relate, and if so, how they relate. The literature does not give a simple answer to this question, mainly because evidentiality and modality are both cover-terms for distinct categories, and the categories within each of the two domains are conceptually quite divergent. In line with what I suggested in earlier work, I will argue that some modal and evidential categories are more closely related with each other than they are with some of the other categories in their own domains. This means by implication that the traditional division between the domains of modality and evidentiality dissolves and that the semantic territory covered by them is re-parcelled.

"Domaine(s)" et indice(s) Dewey

  • Linguistique (410)
  • Analyse du discours (langage, linguistique, la littérature et les langues) (401.41)


Document(s) annexe(s) - Jan Nuyts (University of Antwerp), On the relations between evidentiality and modality

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