38 résultats : development

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38 résultats
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résultats -29 à -20
Description : Najet Aroua discusses the perspective of an integrated management of the water resource. She comprehends this qualitative and quantitative question through the territorial scales which have to be taken into account, and on the basis of the local features of the water cycle.
Mots clés : cycle, water, sustainable development, territories, cities
Date : 30-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Sabine Barles presents the issues associated to the sustainable city. She firstly talks about internal issues, linked to the city metabolism, to the urban nature and to the ecological inequalities. Then she presents the external issues, linked to the environmental footprints and to the intragene ...
Mots clés : sustainable development, cities, metabolism, internal issues, external issues
Date : 21-05-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Eric Berr presents the eco-development, whose concept appeared during the first United Nations Conference in Stockholm (1972). He underlines the Sachs contribution, he proposes a definition for it, and he talks about its three basic foundations.
Mots clés : Stockholm Summit, eco-development
Date : 20-05-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Valéry Bordois discusses the rallying of history in education for sustainable development. He presents the potential obstacles, the historical materials, and the uses of such a rallying.
Mots clés : Education, History, sustainable development
Date : 24-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Valéry Bordois is interested in the spacial and temporal scales connected to the sustainable development, with two examples: the Loire and the salmon. He evidences the need to consider the territories history to sustainably contemplate their future, but also the need to give a more global perspective ...
Mots clés : History, sustainable development, territories, spacial scale, temporal scale
Date : 24-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : In this video, Dominique Bourg, Philosopher, Professor at the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), discusses the failure of sustainable development in regard to the objectives fixed and emphasizes the interest of the model of circular economy to respond ...
Mots clés : sustainable development, circular economy
Date : 01-06-2017
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Creative Commons : Attribution
Description : Denis Couvet presents an analysis framework which enables to better reconcile the human development of the biodiversity preservation. He explains the conditions of such a perspective and shows the potential rooms for improvement, for example in the agricultural field. He insists on the fact that ...
Mots clés : ecological footprint, environmental policies, reconciliation, Human Development Index
Date : 09-10-2014
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Fabienne David explains the phenomenon of heat islands and evokes several solutions of urban planning to try to reduce it. She especially mentions the role of revegetation and the role of the water cycle.
Mots clés : water, climate change, sustainable development, cities, heat island, revegetation
Date : 04-06-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification (CC-BY-NC-ND)
Description : Henry Dicks presents the three major fields of the environmental philosophy: environmental ethics, environmental metaphysics and environmental aesthetics. He concludes with a discussion about the philosophy of a sustainable development.
Mots clés : ethics, environment, sustainable development, aesthetics, metaphysics, philosophy
Date : 21-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification
Description : Henry Dicks is interested in the values which can be associated to the sustainable development. He focuses on three of them: the recognition, the reflexivity, the civic participation, then he examines the relation between democracy and sustainable development.
Mots clés : participation, sustainable development, recognition, reflexivity, values
Date : 21-04-2015
Droits : Droits réservés à l'éditeur et aux auteurs. Licence Creative Commons : Paternité, Pas d'utilisation commerciale, Pas de modification