2 resources : TLC

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2 resources
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Description : This video is part of a series of 19 videos for technical gestures in chemistry (with French subtitles). Without this video you will discover how to use a TLC plate during purification of a reaction crude to isolate your product from other impurities. We will also see the use of developers to allow ...
Keywords : Plate, Organic Chemistry Lab, Technical gestures, Organic and molecular chemistry, TLC, Interpreting, Visualizing
Local resource
Description : This video is part of a series of 19 videos for technical gestures in chemistry (with French subtitles). In this video, we will show you how to perform thin layer chromatography also called TLC by chemists. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a separation method which allows the identification of ...
Keywords : Plate, Organic Chemistry Lab, Technical gestures, TLC, Preparation, Organic and molecular chemistry