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633 résultats
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Ressource locale
Description : This video is part of a series of 19 videos for technical gestures in chemistry (with French subtitles). In this video, you will learn how to prepare a sample for NMR analysis. NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, is a spectroscopic technique used to determine the molecular structure of a product. This ...
Mots clés : Organic and molecular chemistry, Technical gestures, NMR analysis, Organic Chemistry Lab
Ressource locale
Description : This video is part of a series of 19 videos for technical gestures in chemistry (with French subtitles). In this video we will learn how to use a Köfler bench. This is an electrical device which makes it possible to determine the melting temperature of a synthetic product, either to characterize ...
Mots clés : Organic and molecular chemistry, Technical gestures, Organic chemistry Lab, Köfler hot bench
Ressource locale
Description : This video is part of a series of 19 videos for technical gestures in chemistry (with French subtitles). In this video, electronic scales are presented: the classic scale and the high precision scale. Electronic scales must be handled with great care and must always be kept clean. The electronic ...
Mots clés : Organic and molecular chemistry, Technical gestures, Organic Chemistry Lab, Electronic balances